2021 Archives
News and Views from Sturges Word’s 2021 Blog Posts
News and Views from Sturges Word’s 2021 Blog Posts
A pandemic baby boom goes bust while the kids we have get in line for their COVID shots, Google crumbles some of it tracking cookies, evictions and back rent just keep growing and WFH, we’re still doing that for a while.
The looming doctor shortage, COVID and flu forever, our energy infrastructure gets a D+, the complicated working out of a minimum wage hike and, go ahead, a trillion dollars is a bargain these days.
Old school is new school with the latest thing in social media and top performers in retail, 55+ is getting fewer minuses, Facebook is having a tantrum and people, NASA stuck its landing on Mars. That’s 40 million miles of inspiration.
It’s economy week. News about employment, wages, jobs, pretend money – oh boy! And death, that, too. Most importantly, we offer you a tutorial on how to separate your unplanned kitty face from Zoom.
COVID-19 vaccine passports get traction while the seasonal flu vanishes, the patchwork U.S. recovery stymies stimulus calculations as productivity takes a plunge not seen in nearly 40 years and, the case for a ninth public holiday – Super Bowl Monday.
Get a cup of coffee and settle in. This explainer how we got the vaccines so quickly is a stunner. Also, about the emerging mutations, what’s happening with people who already have mortgages while the housing market stays as hot as ever, and then taxes and death, in that order.
Business travel has a long road to recovery, deaths from COVID add up quickly while the vaccine rolls out slowly, economic recovery will be great if you can hold on until that happens, taxes are still due on time and, guess where everybody is moving!
Cancer deaths are down again, and there’s a new COVID-19 vaccine around the corner so that’s good! Also, impeachment, businesses contemplate mob violence and now people are pretending to commute.
So many words and few of them equal to what has occurred this week. We're sticking to our schedule but we don’t have any better idea of what to say about it than you do.
It's 2021 - finally! And we're starting the year off with the sublime and the ridiculous - talking faucets, government sugar haters, transparency on hospital charges, the vaccine that’s coming anytime now and the words to that song you always mess up.