SWC’s Fast Five
Is this new to you – “phygital”? Hear all about it today along with slow email, tech to fight the great resignation, non-creepy stuff about air tags and self-driving cars aren’t really going to be all that.
So, here’s this week’s Fast Five:
1 Life in the “phygital” era
The term “phygital” — physical and digital — refers to a marketing strategy in which brands use bricks and clicks to entice customers. Marketers say we’re fully immersed in the phygital era, given that consumers expect the same levels of personalization and customer service wherever they shop.
2 The genius of extremely slow email
A new personal-communication app called Pony Messenger, think of it as email, if email arrived by post. You compose a message and put it in an outbox; once a day, you pick the time, Pony picks up your outbound dispatches and delivers your inbounds. That’s it – you only need to look at emails once a day.
3 How new HR technology can help companies combat the great resignation
It’s no secret, the pandemic has led many to pursue a different career path. Today’s employers need to rethink the way they measure performance, productivity, and wellbeing of their workforce. The good news is there’s a renaissance in HR technology that’s helping companies navigate this unprecedented time.
4 The end of car keys, passwords and fumbling with your phone at checkout
The ultra-wideband technology that powers Apple’s AirTags could reshape how we interact with our devices. The technology is becoming more widespread, and the latest smartphones have already incorporated chips with UWB into their design, right next to your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.
5 A new reality check on self-driving cars
Some carmakers say they’re preparing to deliver self-driving cars within a few years. But beware the hype. Your car might be capable of driving itself, but only under certain conditions. Safety experts fear carmakers pronouncements could build unrealistic expectations and prompt consumers to leave too much driving to their car.