SWC’s Fast Five
Bosses love WFH – job postings skyrocket! Bosses don’t love WFH – you need a plan to cling to your beloved flexibility! Fashion gets flashy for teens up through women of a certain age while likes and dislikes are managed to help with our fragile self-esteem, and they get a big overhaul when we’re talking a favorite bad boy – Nero.
So, here’s this week’s Fast Five:
1 Remote job posts rise 457 percent
Job postings that offer “remote work” have skyrocketed since this time last year. Such jobs aren’t just becoming a lot more common, they are about two times more popular than conventional job listings. Of all the habits Americans picked up during 2020, the rise of remote work looks like it’s here to stay.
2 As quarantines have lifted, fashion takes a walk on the wild side
There’s some sartorial over-compensating going on. After more than a year in sweatpants, fashion rental companies are seeing some stunning trends – bright, loud colors and patterns; crop tops and miniskirts – rented by women 35-plus at the same rate as teens. Settle down people.
3 How to advocate for a flexible work arrangement as some CEO’s backtrack on WFH
If your company is not among those causing job postings offering remote work to skyrocket, you need a plan if you don’t want to go back to a five-days-in-the-office schedule or just want more flexibility.
4 Facebook and Instagram to allow users to hide likes
To address criticism that social media platforms can be harmful to the well-being of users, these social media platforms now let users choose whether people can see the number of likes on their posts. Users also can choose not to see how many people liked others’ posts as they scroll through their feed.
5 Nero, not such a bad guy after all
Famed as a cruel Emperor who fiddled while Rome burned, the curators of a new exhibit, Nero: The Man Behind the Myth, at the British Museum aim to demonstrate that Nero got a bad rap.