SWC’s Fast Five
October 22, 2021
Housing shortage? Boomers are outspending Millennials. Truck driver shortage? Calling all high schoolers! Organ donor shortage? Amazing breakthrough with our little porker friends. “Everything shortage”? That’s on you and me, pal, we’re spending out of our minds. Car shortage? Yeah, yeah, old news but let’s talk about how your color choice speaks to your soul.
SWC’s Fast Five
October 15, 2021
Et tu, Amazon? Lego works on its pronouns, Millennials pool resources for the house down payment, Social Security recipients make bank and even jobs listed for high flyers are WFH.
SWC’s Fast Five
October 8, 2021
The much ignored generational cohort – X – is having its day and making bank while USPS is testing cashing it for them and everyone else. Want a high-paying job? STEM beats arts, but money isn’t everything, right? Maybe you English majors can get a leg up in the hiring game with a video, the latest thing. Also Windows 11, it ain’t Spinal Tap.
SWC’s Fast Five
October 1, 2021
Happy hour is going to pot, jobs are going to the vaccinated, Rosy the robot is coming home, now we’re (well, Millennials) are parenting plants and your house is now brought to you by a darling little 11-foot 3D printer.
SWC’s Fast Five
September 24, 2021
Last week’s Fast Five reported how fewer men were going to college and this week, same about working. Please be amazed at just a few of the innovations we enjoy thanks to our Hispanic friends, that Millennials have flipped the script, that paying deposits on some product – and getting it back when we return the packaging – is about to be a thing again, and America, you’re bunchers v folders when it comes to toilet paper and that is not cool for the environment.
SWC’s Fast Five
September 17, 2021
Amazon’s starting salary hike will help when there is no ceiling for food prices in sight but, you can get your groceries in a hot minute. Use that time savings to muck around in your hidden files (be careful in there). And guys, there’s fewer of you in college. Why is this news?
SWC’s Fast Five
September 10, 2021
RTW requires new rationale, airport improvements promise a low turbulence experience, supply chain kinks in business forecasts don’t choke demand, dignity for the hungry comes in this app and GM tries to make up for the death wish of the seatbelt free.
SWC’s Fast Five
September 4, 2021
More students give college a bad grade, states that cut jobless benefits early don’t see a jump in job growth, travel agents are having a moment, more pot smokers get behind the wheel for Amazon deliveries and here’s just one reason you need that travel agent – international airlines say your cloth masks are not good enough!
SWC’s Fast Five
August 27, 2021
Now Amazon tells us, come and get it yourself. That’s probably not tied to AI ad Mad Men but, its equally dissonant. Also, secondhand thrift wins over fast fashion, cotton totes are greenwash and retirees do the hokey pokey.