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News and Views from Sturges Word’s News Blog Posts
News and Views from Sturges Word’s News Blog Posts
Are there plans to end planned obsolescence? There are some afoot to end the five-day work week as cities transition from incentives to attract employers to those to mine micro talent, that talent increases its love for emojis at work and we all watch Europe as restrictions emerge to deal with COVID variants and we wonder, is that what’s next for America.
Free samples will come in handy as you may still be trying to pay off your master’s degree student loans. Saying thank you after an interview leaves a lasting impression and could help you land your next job – even if it’s of the boomerang kind. And no matter what kind of job you have, post-pandemic, the smarties are sleeping in if they can.
What exactly have our brains gone through in the last year? One thing is for sure, we’re still bad at apologizing, companies are giving us wider berth, AI in medicine could stomp on the “do no harm” ethic and you will be about to learn all about that and more on Neeva, an ad-free, for-pay search engine.
National Geographic just named a fifth ocean, the Fed’s look at digitizing the dollar is a lot deeper than mobile payments, Lego is testing using recycled plastic for the 20 billion bricks it makes each year, and donuts inspire a rethink for post-pandemic office buildings that workers are not rushing back to anyway!
The timeline and back story on our now 11 federal holidays is fascinating and why is it exactly that we can’t buy even one of the 15 million surplus Girl Scout cookies? Well, at least that is one choice – buy or not buy – you can eliminate from the other 35,000 decisions taking up your brain space while you contemplate the good, or bad, one you made to own, or not, the Peloton that is now spying on you. Another decision being made a lot – workers choosing quality of life as a record number quit their jobs.
Coming soon to a subdivision near you – houses built-to-rent. Workers flip the power equation, getting the upper hand with employers for the first time in generations as Boomers add seven years to their career, planning to retire later than those who stopped working before them. New fonts to spice up your next presentation is just what Google Docs has ordered. What Fast Five is not going to order are chocolate-covered cicadas – gag.
Hated more than airline change fees, overdraft fees are eliminated entirely by one bank, which gives you a little more money to spend on ordering up new services for delivery in an hour, which frees you up to learn how to finally beat those spam, scam and robocalls. Don’t like billboards? Maybe this one will change your mind as you wrap your head around this season’s warm and fuzzy names bringing the 2021 storm season drama.
Bosses love WFH – job postings skyrocket! Bosses don’t love WFH – you need a plan to cling to your beloved flexibility! Fashion gets flashy for teens up through women of a certain age while likes and dislikes are managed to help with our fragile self-esteem, and they get a big overhaul when we’re talking a favorite bad boy – Nero.
Companies make more benefits available, but you pay for them. AI tech lets you sit out Zooms while the bot takes notes for you. You like brands that take a stand even when you don’t like the stand. Natural gas is over (sorta). And your hotel may shorten your stay.
Monday is the new Saturday for saying “I do’s” this summer. And as TikTok does job search, your co-workers say adios to 9 – 5. Meanwhile, Mattel wants you to send back your old Barbie. But at 98, the Jewish Oprah, is still zooming!